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Host(s): Matt Baird
Guest(s): Ted Wozniak and Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo

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Did you hear about ATA's new e-book Guide to Starting Out as a Translator? Will the ATA62 conference be virtual this year? Is it true that ATA's certification exam can now be taken online? How does the new ATA website help members get more out of their membership? Why is it never too late to attend an ATA membership orientation session? Why did the number of ATA webinars double this year? And what is the Back to Business Basics series? How is ATA doing financially? It's the annual Halftime Show where President Ted Wozniak and President-Elect Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo tell ATA Podcast Host Matt Baird what the association has been doing in the first six months of 2021 and where it's going in the last six months of the year. Don't miss this episode!

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Production Credits
Audio Production: Derek Platts
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